Ricardo Suarez

Associate Instructor

Ricardo Suarez who currently lives in Montevideo, Uruguay, began his training in Lung Chuan Shu Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Qong and Traditional Chinese medicine in 2000.

In 2010 he started practicing Shaolin Kung Fu in Uruguay, Chinese language and Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan in Dong Fang Zhu School, IYFTCCA .

He became a Yang Family Instructor under the guidance of Professor Angela Soci and Professor Roque Severino in the Yang ChengFu Center Sao Paulo, Brazil. On a regular basis, he continued travelling to this center in Brazil in order to attend other courses, such as sword, tui shou, martial Tai Chi applications, Tai Chi related philosophy and several retreats practice.

He has participated in numerous seminars conducted by Master Yang Jun as 103 Tai Chi form, Tai Chi sword, tui shou in Argentina and Brazil, including special Seminars for Instructors.

Since then, he has pursued improvement of his training through many courses with members of the Yang Family and other related activities as: Qi Qong, Chinese philosophy, Chinese language and Chinese calligraphy.

In 2014 he travelled to Louisville, USA, to participate in the International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium and enjoyed the presence of Great Masters.

In November 2014, he attended the opening of Teachers’ Academy for Latin American Zhi Jing Xuan in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Since 2012 he works as Instructor at the Tai Chi Chuan Polyclinic in the National Institute of Rheumatology, dependent of Ministry of Health and Medical School of Uruguay.

He is co-author of three research papers, that were approved and presented at international conferences such as Pan American

League for Rheumatoid Arthritis (PANLAR), and is currently engaged in the development of new researches.

He has completed studies in Mathematics and is a member of the Mathematics Teaching department at Pedro Poveda Institución Teresiana Montevideo High School.

He continues his Tai Chi Chuan training under de tutelage of Prof. Angela Soci in Yang Cheng Fu Center Sao Paulo.

Email: ricardosuarez@yangfamilytaichi.com