Vicki Norman

Certified Instructor

Starting my journey at a young age with yoga and eventually studying Judo with the Budokan Judo Association, in January of 1995 I found Tai Chi and a wonderful teacher, Han Hoong Wang.

In the ending mediation of my first class, I felt I had finally found what I had been looking for my whole life. I didn’t have any idea where that feeling was going to take me.

I am extremely grateful for Han’s guidance then and now. Seeking instructions from the Masters, I first met Grand Master Yang Zhen Duo and Yang Jun on their visit to America in 1996.

My Tai Chi years have been fabulous, continually seeking the Masters, following my teacher, Han, to Virginia, Texas, Oregon, New York and China where I participated in three International Competitions.

My studies include:
Empty Hand 24, 13, 49, 103 Form
67 Sword
13 aber
Short Staff
Long Staff
Two Person
Push Hands, etc.

July 2007, China, I was greatly honored with advancement to 5th Rank, Silver Tiger.

At one of Han’s early seminars, Grand Master Yang Zhen Duo said that Tai Chi was a gift from his Grandfather to the world. Yang Jun shared stories of his early years and how his Grandpa was always watching him. Now he is a Great Master to follow.

Tai Chi – What a wonderful gift to receive and to give. Come join me at the Warren Community Center and receive your gift from Tai Chi.

Most rewarding is to grow the Tai Chi family, practice and share energy; in turn, we pass this gift to others.

I am honored to continue teaching and studying the Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi for many more years.

Vicki Norman (Certified Instructor – 5th level  IYSTCCA)
Phone: 586-751-3321