Mike Lucero

Center Director, Certified Instructor

Mike graduated from California Institute of Technology in 1981. He had a few jobs programming computers, had his own programming business, then joined Microsoft in 1988 and left Microsoft in 1997.

He started learning tai chi in 1996 at a class taught at Microsoft by Master Shuo Y Chen, learning the 24, 32 sword, and 103 forms and starting push hands.

In 2000, he and his wife, Nancy, started to teach tai chi at Microsoft, and near the end of 2000 joined the YCF Center, where he also learned the 67 sword form and 13 saber forms. They teach at local Senior Centers and Shoreline Community College.

17224 – 197th Ave NE
Woodinville, WA  98077

Email: mikelucero@yangfamilytaichi.com