Stefanie Russell

Affiliated School Director
Academy Instructor

It was my good fortune to begin my tai chi studies directly with Master Yang Jun and Fang Laoshi in the Redmond/Seattle Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Centers. Since that first class early in 2004 I have continued my training with Hand Form, Sword and Saber Forms, and Push Hands classes. Always seeking improvement through Refinement classes and Seminars, I earned the Rank of Silver Tiger in 2012.

Both Instructor Training classes with Master Yang Jun, and Assistant Teaching in the classroom with Fang Laoshi, have given me a strong base to work from as an Instructor. I became a Certified Instructor in 2008 and an Academy Instructor in 2013.

Additionally, The 2014 International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium was an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding of Traditional Tai Chi through the presentations of its Great Families. My appreciation of China’s history, tradition and culture has broadened thanks to several trips to China. Another benefit of the Symposium and China Adventures has been meeting and learning from my tai chi brothers and sisters as we joined together from around the world. The highlight of all trips was being present to help celebrate Grand Master Yang Zhenduo’s 90th birthday. Seeing the great respect and love of the international community for our Grand Master was an unforgettable experience.

I am grateful for the opportunity to teach daily, sharing with my community what the Yang Family has so generously shared with me. Participating in demos and serving as Judge has been another way for me to give back to the Association.

Currently I hold classes at four branches of the Greater Seattle Y. Events, such as our Annual Lunar New Year Celebration, bring our tai chi family together from all four branches for practice and friendship. On such occasions it is rewarding to see the growth that has occurred during the year as our skill and sense of community strengthens.

Prior to my training in Yang Family Tai Chi I was an instructor at a professional ballet company school. There I not only trained and taught, but also was engaged with Public Relations and Program Development. I am happy to discover the advantages of continuing my footsteps along the Yang Family Tai Chi path.

Having been introduced to Yin Yang Theory, Taoism, and Confucianism in college courses during the late 1960s, things have come full circle in my life. Since that time the I Ching has been my guide.

My past life experience allows me to study tai chi chuan more fully. My tai chi chuan experience allows me to live my life more fully. They have become one and the same.

Please join us for classes at one of these convenient locations:

Bellevue Family Y, Coal Creek Family Y, Northshore Family Y or University Family Y

For current class schedules or further information: