Teresa Zùñiga

Academy Instructor

Born at Santiago of Chile the 02/03/1951 , M.D. specialized in Pediatrics, Acupuncture and Homeopathy.

Since 1993 study Yang style Tai Chi Chuan with Nescla Humbarasci pupil of Grant Muradoff, and there after since 2000 with Claudio Mingarini, National Trainer and Technical Director of the Yang Chengfu Center of  Rome ,Italy.

Member of the Yang International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association since 2000.

Since 2000 she participated to more then 18 seminars of Masters Yang Zhen Duo and Yang Jun.

Ranking test passed:
Copper Eagle Rome 2002
Silver Eagle Rome 2003
Gold Eagle Rome 2004
Copper Tiger Verbania (Va) Italy 2006.

Since February  2004 , with the approval or the Technical Director of the Yang Chengfu center of Rome Claudio Mingarini, she started teaching Tai Chi Chuan at the Gym of  Saint Ignazio Church in Rome.

Four Lectures about: “Tai Chi Chuan from the point of view of the Traditional Chinese Medicine” during the T.C.C. Instructor curses of Claudio Mingarini in Rome’s Yang Chengfu Center.

Via Alfredo Casella, 23  00199 Roma Italy
Tel/Fax. + 39 06 8610590
Tel: 0039 33 34046296

Email: Teresa@yangfamilytaichi.com