Silvio Baratta

Certified Instructor

I was born in Turin, in 1964, and moved to Rome in 1968 where I live now with my wife and son and work as an English language teacher in the secondary school. Kung fu began to cross my path in 1987 when I started studying different styles such as Wing Chung, Tang Lang and Hung Gar, as well as Tao Yin and Chi Kung.

First approach to Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan was in 1992, studying 24 form, 108 form, sword form and a having little push hands training.

Since 1999, I ‘ve been taking part to every Yang Jun seminar in Rome or around, developing step by step the traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan.

I got my copper tiger level in Alviano (TN) the last 26th April 2008, when I performed the best I could, feeling the spirit of my dead mother and father inside, giving me calm and strength at once.

I’m very lucky and honoured to have the opportunity to develop Tai Chi Chuan living with my family, playing drums and bass, teaching English at school, working the land, and of course giving Yang Family program courses inside The Rome Yang Cheng Fu Centre and around.

I’m particularly thankful to my teacher Claudio Mingarini and all the other instructors and students, with whom I share this wonderful mission of developing the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan for a better world.

Via Alfredo Casella, 23 00199 Rome – Italy
Tel/fax: +39 06 8610590
Tel: +39 339.7015538
