Jack Cornell

School Director, Associate Instructor
  • Jack Arthur Jr Cornell (1959) is the director of the Yang Family Tai Chi School in Vicenza.
    Born and raised in the United States, he started practicing Taekwondo in 1975 (Korean Martial Arts) with Master Jae Kyn Lee.
    On his arrivel in Italy in 1977, he approached the Chinese Martial Arts by studying Traditional Kung Fu from 1977 to 1985 with Masters Shin Dae Wong and Franco Bonavigo.
    Since 1985 he has been studying traditional Kung Fu with Master Stefano Bellomi until his premature death in 1993.
    From 1993 to 2005 he studied Wushu and modern Tai Chi Chuan with Master Pierluigi Nicolazzo.
    In 2005, with some Tai Chi Chuan practitioners, he founded A.S.D. L’Armonia in Movimento.
    In 2014 he participated in a presentation at the University Cattolica di Milano with G.M. Yang Jun. Encouraged by what he learned, he decided to start learning  the Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, studying with Master Giuseppe Turturo, Director of Yang Cheng Fu Center in Milan (Italy), where he is continuing his studies and deepening  his knowledge of Tai Chi.He currently holds the Tai Chi Chuan Master 6º Black Belt – AICS for C.O.N.I. National;
    3nd Level Teacher (Gold Eagle) in the IYFTCCA Classification System.

          In March 2018 he became 5th Generation Disciple of G.M. Yang Jun (His given Chinese name is Yang Yagao)

         Over 40 years of practice in Chinese Martial Arts he has participated in various seminars  which include Internal and                 External styles as well as qualifications and degrees, some of which are listed below.

Official Qualifications

Year 1995 Certification Course for Official Judges for Wushu and Kung Fu (AICS)
Year 1997 Certified Official Judge for Wushu-Kung Fu-Sanda (AICS)
Year 2003 Certified National Judge 1st degree Official for F.I.WU.K.
Year 2009 Qualified 2º Degree Black Belt for Tai Chi Chuan F.I.WU.K
Year 2012 Qualified 3º Degree Black Belt Tai Chi Chuan for AICS affiliated to C.O.N.I
Year 2016 Qualified 4º Degree Black Belt Tai Chi Chuan for AICS affiliated to C.O.N.I.
Year 2018 Qualified 5º Degree Black Belt Tai Chi Chuan for AICS affiliated to C.O.N.I.
Year 2019 Qualified 6º Degree Black Belt Tai Chi Chuan for AICS affiliated to C.O.N.I. “for Sporting Merits”

Tai Chi Chuan Stage / Courses

Years 2002-2003 Bergamo (Italy), Study of Form 48 of Tai Chi Encoded with Master Meng Hua Feng
Years 2003-2004-2005 Pordenone (Italy), Study of Form Lao Jia Er Lu by Tai Chi Chen with G.M. Zhu Tian Cai
Year 2016 Varese (Italy), Seminar, with G.M. Yang Jun, 103 movements, and Straight Sword 67 movements
Year 2016 Rome (Italy), 8º International Seminar for Instructors with G.M. Yang Jun
Year 2017 Kunming, China, Seminar for Chinese Instructors at the New Yang Cheng Fu Center
Year 2018 Rome (Italy), Director Instructor Seminar with G.M. Yang Jun
Year 2018 Datong (China), Disciple Seminar with G.M. Yang Jun, and became a Disciple
Year 2019 Selvino, Bergamo (Italy) International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium


Jack Cornell is the creator and organizer, of The World Tai Chi Day in Vicenza (Italy), which is broadcasted live via streaming around the world.  In 2019 we held our 4th Edition.
In February 2018 he hosted “The Belt and Raod”China Tai Chi Culture World Tour (East Meets West) in Vicenza, Italy

Below are the following Gyms where I teach at:

A.S.D. L’Armonia in Movimento – The Church Gym
“Chiesa Parrocchiale dell’Immacolata di Lourdes” in Anconetta
Viale Anconetta 147 – in Vicenza ITALY
Monday and Thursday from 9am to 10am
Via Colombo  7 – in Vicenza ITALY
Tuesday from 9:30am to 10:30 and from 10:30am to 11:30am
Thursday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm and from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Via G.B. Quadri, 79 in Vicenza, Italy
Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 10am
Thursday from 7pm to 8pm
A.S.D. L’Armonia in Movimento – At DJK Gym
Via G.B. Quadri, 79 in Vicenza Italy
Tuesday from 8pm to 9:30pm
Wednesday  from 8pm to 9:30pm
ay from 8pm to 9:30pm
Saturday  from 9am to 10:30am

Email: jackcornell59@gmail.com