Francesco Belli

Certified Instructor

I started the TCC practice in 2003 (with no previous martial arts experience) in Frascati (Rome) School, under the teaching of Giulia Santangeli (presently Academy Instructor).

I have been immediately enthusiastic of TCC practice, recognizing in it a powerful way of self-knowledge and self-improvement, both physical, mental and of relationship with the surrounding people (hopefully bringing an improvement of the little part of world around me).

With constant and increasing engagement in TCC study and practice, I reached rank 4 in the IYFTCCA ranking system in 2013.

From 2005 I started following open seminars in YCF Center of Rome under the direction of Claudio Mingarini (National Coordinator and Technical Director for the IYFTCCA Teachers training in Italy), from 2006 I started following open seminars of G.M. Yang Jun in Italy, from 2008 I started following the IYFTCCA Instructors Course in YCF Center of Rome (under the teaching of C. Mingarini), and from 2009 I started following the European Seminars for IYFTCCA Instructors of G.M. Yang Jun.

I also attended many other open seminars held by IYFTCCA Instructors including F. Grothstuck, R.E. Severino, H. Sweeney, L. Lu, G. Turturo, A. Soci and, in Frascati School, by my Teacher G. Santangeli.

After the first years of practice in Frascati School, I started supporting my Teacher G. Santangeli in her classes, especially with beginner students; at present I am assigned to conduct the first year students course and occasionally to teach in the advanced student classes.

I have a MSc Degree in Physics and a PhD Degree in Engineering. My main working experience since the late 90’s has been as Researcher in the design and implementation of radiation detectors in the fields of matter physics, astrophysics and thermonuclear fusion research, both for Universities and for Italian National Research Institutes and Agencies.
