Anna Siniscalco

School Director, Academy Instructor

Anna Siniscalco gets the teaching qualification for Tao Yin and medical and martial Chi Kung at the Wu Tao Kwoon Kung Fu Cultural Association for Martial Arts and Oriental Disciplines in Rome. She also has basic Shaolin experiences.

In 1999, after 3 years of  practice of Yang family Tai Chi Chuan she gets into International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association (IYFTCCA).

From 1998 she takes active part in helping the promotion and the  organization of G.M°. Yang Zhen Duo and M° Yang Jun’s seminars. Beside Italy she follows, since 2002, the Yang masters in China in every meeting and seminars.

In 2006 she also had the chance to join in Brasil her first IYFTCCA directors meeting as certified instructor. Since she organizes in Rome courses and seminars in different centres promoting the teaching and practice of Yang family traditional Tai Chi Chuan.

In 2006, after following for 4 years the IYFTCCA teachers workshops in Italy leaded by Claudio Mingarini and have passed the first 3 ranking tests in the Yang Chengfu centre of Rome she gets the 5th level on May 2008 and a few months later she becomes Certified Instructor.

Anna Siniscalco is also part of the selected group of  teachers of the Rome Yang Chengfu Centre, working together with the National Training Technical Director of Italy Claudio Mingarini.

Beside the practice of Tai Chi Chuan she is working in the marketing promoting and organizing events for a famous American multinational in Rome. She is a researcher of classical astrology, she likes good music and travelling.

Via Alfredo Casella, 23  00199 Roma Italy
Tel/Fax. + 39 06 8610590
Tel: 347 3405939
