Serge Coux

Affiliated School Director, Academy Instructor

In 1976, I started to study Yoseikan Budo, and Aikido which I’ve practiced for 17 years. During this period, I also learnt Jodo Shindo Muso Ryu , Thaï and Kempo Boxing which I taught during 12 years to childrens and adults. In 2003, the practice of Tang Lang style Wu-Shu gave me the opportunity to become instructor (BEES, French Wu-Shu state diploma).

Between 1989 and 1997, I learned many manual (Osteopathy, Massages), energetic (Magnetism, Reiki), and natural healing practice (Naturopathy). In 1997, I began the study in personal development with The Landmark Education in Paris. In 2011, I learn some technical tools for individual coaching for sportman.

I began the study of TaiJi Chuan in 1986, with a friend Gérard Pinon who was practicing regularly in the first French Taï Chi Chuan traditional Yang style school created in Paris by Mr James Kou. He had participated in the first seminars organized by Mr James Kou in France with the presence of Grand Master Yang Zhenduo. I sincerely thank my friend to have introduced the art of Tai Chi Chuan to me. The same year, I also discovered Qi Gong. Since then I have studied several forms which I practice until today.

In 1999, I attended my first seminar in Pau (France) with The Grand Master Yang Zhenduo and Master Yang Jun. Since 2003, I’ve followed every year one of the French or Italian seminars of Master Yang Zhenduo and Yang Jun and also many training courses with Duc Nguyen Minh in the Yang Chengfu Center of Paris.

I’ve obtained my BPAMCI (French Professional Taï Chi Chuan Diploma) in 2004 with the WuShu French Federation (FFWaemc). In 2012, I have obtained the level 5th ( IYFTCC ). In 2013, I become Certified Instructor, and I have my first ranking Judge experience.

Since 1989 I teach Taï Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. Since 2002, I teach several Taï Chi Chuan classes every days, in several associations close to Paris. Some specifically for elderly people (60 to 85 years old). Every week, I have some Qi Gong classes too. I like teaching Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and the Yang Family traditional values and I try to apply this values and principles in my daily life.

I am always enthusiastic for transmitting what I learn, because I know the well- being Taï Chi Chuan regular practice will bring to my students. I am careful that, during my courses, a good and joyful spirit be present between my students, and between me and my students. Learning Taï Chi Chuan should be a joyful experience in a joyful spirit.
