Patrick Arondel

Certified Instructor

I was born in Paris in 1954.

I practiced karate (4 years), tennis, rock climbing and off-piste skiing between 1974 and 1984, I stopped all these sports because of a knee injury.

I resumed sports activity with road bike in 1990, then I discovered the place I live was a mountain bike paradise, it became my favorite activity between 2000 and 2010. I stopped because of a Achilles tendon rupture.

I practiced Feldenkrais method during two years, then I started Tai Chi Chuan learning at Yang ChengFu Paris Center with Duc and Carole N’Guyen Minh in 2007. It became immediately a very exciting discovery with important modifications on my outlook on life. The progressive feeling and understanding of the yin yang philosophy makes my life easier and more beautiful.

I added rapidly the practice of tuishou and weapons (2008 to 2010).

Everyday practice since 2007, regular attending to Duc and Carole’s seminars and participation to the Seminars with Grand Master Yang Jun organized by the Paris YCF Center allowed me to obtain my level four ranking (4 th Duan) in 2015.

I teach Tai Chi Chuan in the frame of the YCF Paris Center since 2014.

Since 2008, I like to take some time for exploring different techniques or life approach as theatre, biodanza, hypnosis, tantra, massage, non violent communication.
