Jean-Yves Foray

Affiliated School Director, Associate Instructor

I was born in Cherbourg in 1960. I started TAI CHI CHUAN in 1978, when I was 18, with Michel LEBIGRE. Every month and then every week, I went to practice in University of Caen, 120km far from my home. Three years later,  my teacher recommended me to the French TAI CHI CHUAN (FFTCC) James KOU Federation, the first federation in France. I attended  all JAMES KOU’s courses.

Next,  in 1986, I met Master Yang Zhen Duo while his first visit in France, and I attended several of his courses thereafter.  Following JAMES KOU’s advices, I continued to work with Raymonde HELIES in Tai Chi Chuan and QI CONG. She  was attending  Master Yang Zhen Duo courses in Europe and China. I deepened my practice with Master Wong Ken Ton (7th Chinese dan) in France and I even went with him to China.

After Raymonde Héliès’ death, I approached Duc Nguyen Minh to follow him and Master Yang Jun’s quality education, I have been attending every year Master Yang Jun courses and the teaching of the PARIS center for the last  5 years .

I started to teach TAI CHI CHUAN in 1983 when I created in Cherbourg an association: Spirale. I continued to follow the teachings of many teachers to understand how to promote  TAI CHI CHUAN and to be more competent. No diploma existed , so I took the common core of 1st State degree, a french recognized sport certificate. I also wanted to understand the body on the move, so I followed the training of with GERDA ALEXANDER during five years and FELDENKRIAS’ training courses for 10 years.

I also attended Master Masami Noro’ Kinomichi courses, a Japanese art of movement that I am currently teaching. To develop a better understanding of myself and to improve my understanding of the human being as a whole, I attended special trainings on ” vocational therapy”  DURKHEIM KG Germany  for over 15 years. This approach includes meditation in its process. To sustain my contribution to support people and groups, I followed training  in nonviolent communication process created by Marshall Rosenberg, and I coach parents and children through conferences.

It is with all these experiences that we have today in Spirale a group of more than 250 practioners, including 120 in TAI CHI CHUAN. I am strongly motivated to gather the TAI CHI CHUAN groups of my region in France and today the gathering is in process.

Since 2012 I organized an annual week-end practice in Cherbourg with Duc .This course brings together more than 40 students every time. Now 10 practioners belong to the Yang Family Association and every year some of them attended Master Yang Jun courses. In 2016 Spirale became a Yang Family Associated School.

L’association SPIRALE