Song Bin

Center Director

Song Bin, born in March 18, 1964, Fenyang City.

In 1982 he joined the Army artillery unit in 1986 to participate in tax work, in March 2000 awarded by the Chinese martial art Wushu Administration Center “Liuduan” title, national-level judge, in March 2002 and joined the National Democratic Construction Association, in July 2002 The first appointment of experts by the National Wu shu Institute, Yang Tai Chi Chuan Yang Zhenduo fourth-generation lineal were absorbed as the first apprentice.

Yang Tai Chi Chuan Association, current Vice President of Shanxi Province, Yangcheng Fu Tai Chi centers.



Tai Chi honors

  • September 1986 began to participate in the system of tai chi to learn;
  • In May 1988 for the provincial association held in Yuncheng Yang Taijiquan competition, third in the men one of the younger group boxing, fencing fourth;
  • September 1992 the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the provincial Association of the General Assembly, and was fifth in Group one of the younger group;
  • April 1997 was the fifth Congress of provincial associations as “outstanding instructor”;
  • November 1998 to participate in Qingdao “Beiqi Cup” tournament, first prize was all-powerful;
  • October 1999 Fenyang Shiti Wei was appointed “shadow boxing coach”;
  • March 2001 held in Sanya City Shuaidui attend the “First World Taijiquan and Health Conference”, which won the Special Award for groups, individuals first prize Yang Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi equipment first prize;
  • August 2001 Shuaidui participate in Pingyao provincial Sports Bureau organized the “First International Invitational Xingyi Quan” and “twentieth Shanxi Traditional Wushu Championships”, and at the opening ceremony for outstanding performances;
  • October 2001 Lvdui participate in the approval by the Chinese Wushu Association, Jiangxi China, “Lu Cup” International Taijiquan Tournament, and was the first prize gold medal game;
  • July 2002 Shuaidui to participate in traditional Yang Tai Chi Chuan The Second International Invitational;
  • Successfully held in 2004 in Shanxi Yang Tai Chi Chuan Championship and the fifteenth, “Fenyang King” Cup Championship.Founded in the year so Fenyang City, the first class-based culture, martial arts school featuring Fenzhou Yuk Ying School;
  • Fenyang City in 2006 founded the first British Taekwondo club sports;
  • Fenyang City in 2007 was elected as the Fourth CPPCC National Committee members;
  • In 2009 founded the first Tai Chi training Fenyang City Hall “Bin Confucian Hall”;
  • May 1, 2010 founded Fenyang Tai Chi percussion.

Participate in training activities

  • In October 2000 for the provincial Sports Bureau martial arts management in nursing homes Jinci cadres held “Pushing Hands” seminar. Research was selected as executive director of Push Hands;
  • April 2001 to participate in sports hotel in the province’s “Pushing Hands” competition rules classes;
  • In August 2001 for the provincial Association of referee training course qualifications;
  • In May 2002 for the provincial Association of Taijiquan key training courses;
  • In June 2002 for the provincial Association of referee training courses;
  • July 2009 should be the International Tai Chi Chuan Association, Mr. Yang Jun Yang’s invitation to participate in the United States Nashville International Forum organized by the Global and International Tai Chi Chuan Yang Tai Chi Chuan 10 anniversary;
  • February 2010 the United States participation in the Global Director, Center for International Tai Chi Chuan training.

Organizations involved

  • 1996, held twice a year insist on large-scale Tai Chi training, personally as a coach, up to 1,400 people total trainees;
  • September 1997 to help association leaders, organized the “First National Tax Cup” Taijiquan competition;
  • Four consecutive years in 1999 to help elderly Games Shiti Wei organized and served as the chief referee Taijiquan competitions;
  • May 2001 to help it lead organization “Sanxin Cup” Taijiquan competition, and served as chief referee;
  • August 2001 to assist in Pingyao in Pingyao County Martial Arts Association of Shanxi successfully held the first “city Qing Bao Cup” International Tournament at the opening ceremony of Xingyi Quan;
  • July 2004 to assist Provincial Association held in Fenyang City, Shanxi Province, Yang Tai Chi Chuan Championship and the fifteenth, “Fenyang King” Cup Championship.
