Pam Boyde

School Director, Academy Instructor

Pam hails from the Yukon in Northern Canada. She began her studies in tai chi chuan in 1989 with the Beijing Simplified 24 Form.

Her studies in those early years included the Five Section Forms (bare hand, two person, and sword), the Yang 108 Form, the Beijing 24 and 48 Forms and push hands with Sam Masich and Chantal Fafard; the 24 and 48 Forms, some Chen Lao Jia and qigong with Master Liang Shou-yu; the Yang 108 Form with Raymond Chung; and baguaquan, silk reeling, push hands and qigong with John Camp.

It was in 1995 when first Pam learned of the Yang Family Style tai chi chuan and decided this is where she wanted to focus her tai chi pursuits. Living in Canada’s far north, far from any centres or teachers of the form, she began to learn from videotapes bought from A Taste of China. It wasn’t until 2002 when, at long last, a seminar was held relatively close to the Yukon.

That year at the Seattle Centre’s first seminar, she finally received in-person instruction from Grand Masters Yang Zhenduo and Yang Jun. The rest, as they say, is history!

Pam has been a member of the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association since 2002. She attained Copper Tiger ranking in 2005, Silver Tiger ranking in 2007, became a certified instructor in November 2007 and an Academy Instructor in 2016.  She is the association’s Vice-President of Operations and Executive Manager and Co-Head of the Ranking Department.  In July 2014, Master Yang Jun accepted Pam as his disciple.

Pam is a founding member and President of Tai Chi Yukon. She and her husband, Jim, make their home outside Whitehorse, Yukon with their 20+ dogs.
