Tihomir Todorov

Alex Valtchev Photography (www.alexvaltchev.com)
Center Director, Certified Instructor

I started my practice in the martial arts in 1986 in central Russia with boxing. Later, after my return to Bulgaria, in my home town Stara Zagora, from 1987 to 2006, I have practiced several directions of tai chi chuan and Xingyi Quan.

I got in touch with the Yang family in 2006 and in 2007, when Bulgaria became a member of the European Union. I used this opportunity immediately, and in the same year I participated in a seminar of the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association in Berlin, Germany, where I had a meeting with Master Yang Jun. Every year since then I attend Master Yang Jun’s seminars.

In 2008 I invited Dr. Jan–Mark Gering, director of the Yang Family Tai Chi Center in Switzerland, to Bulgaria for a personal visit. In 2009, Claudio Mingarini, National Technical Director in Italy, came to Bulgaria in order to lead a seminar which I organized. In 2010 we made the first seminar in Bulgaria with Master Yang Jun.

Today, as a student of Grandmaster Yang Jun, I am helping the development and popularization of tai chi chuan in Bulgaria by teaching monthly courses, lectures, seminars, conferences, demonstrations and TV programs. Thanks to the help and the cooperation of other teachers from Europe and Bulgaria, and also thanks to the enthusiasm of Tai Chi Chuan practitioners, we have the opportunity to study and practice the Traditional Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan.  In August 2015, I was inducted as a disciple of Master Yang Jun receiving the name Yang Yaheng.

Besides martial arts, I have a Bachelor of Economics degree, a Master’s degree in Psychology and a  Masters degree in Engineering – Automobile Electronics.  Currently I am a wushu coach at the National Sports Academy in Sofia and also work in electromobile innovation and business consulting.

5-G Stara planina Str., appt:89, fl.6
Stara Zagora 6008

Mob.tel. +359898531 692
Email: tihomir@yangfamilytaichi.com
Website: yangfamilytaichi.bg