Valéria Sanchez

School Director, Certified Instructor

Certificated Instructor, since 2008.

International Association Tai Chi Chuan Yang Family’s member since 1998.

2002, July – Participated as a member of the Brazilian delegation at the II International Traditional Style Family Yang Championships in the city of Shanxi, People´s Republic of China. On this same occasion she obtained II level (Silver Eagle), in Ranking of the International Association of Tai Chi Chuan.

2009, USA-Tennessee Nashiville – Vanderbilt University – First International Symposium with the 5 Great Masters of Traditional Lineages in China. Health, Education and Culture.

2012, Argentina – Mendonza – Collaborated as International Judge in the Traditional Yang Style Ranking System. On this occasion she obtained her 5th Ranking (silver tiger).

She dedicates herself to the study of Tai Chi Chuan Philosophies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sword, Saber and Culture. From that time to now she teaches Tai Chi Chuan classes in many places as companies, schools, hospitals, and for senior people.

She continues attending seminars in Brazil with Master Yang Jun, including Sword, Saber and Tui Shou.

Valéria Sanchez, was born in São Paulo – Brasil, in March, 01st 1970. She started to practice Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan in 1999 with the Masters Roque Henrique Severino and Angela Soci, also Qi Gong and Ba Duan Jing. In 1999 he participated of the first Seminar in Brazil with Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo and Master Yang Jun. She feels very honored to be part of this great family.

Twitter: @supremotaichi