Standing on One Leg

Standing on One Leg

Included in the Footwork is another stance called One Leg Standing Stance or Du Li. The requirements of this stance are: Stand on one leg with the standing leg’s knee slightly bent so as not to lock the joint. The standing leg is turned out 45 degrees. The raised leg lifts up with the knee bent.

The knee points in the forward direction and the toes are pointed downward. The knee is lifted until the thigh is at least parallel to the ground, slightly higher is better. The lower leg and foot curve slightly inward forming a ward off shape. See Figure 1.

Another stance is the Down Stance or Pu Bu. The knee of the bent back leg must stay in alignment with the back toe direction. The front leg keeps naturally straight with the toes aligned with the forward direction. Be sure to follow the principles when lowering into this stance so that the Qi can sink down. The transition to the next movement can only be accomplished when the correct alignment is maintained. See Figures 2 and 3.